Neapolitan pizzeria paris

The Grasso family is one of the Neapolitan families that opened in 1916 in Naples, the GORIZIA, one of the authentic pizzerias serving the traditional pizza Napoletana.

As my grandfather Vincenzo did in Paris, I have to heart to share with you this dish at the same time simple, tasty but demanding a rigorous know-how and the use of quality products.

To get a dough that is both fluffy and slightly crispy, I use specific Italian flour and let it stand at room temperature for a light and digestible result.

I invite you to discover the traditional recipes, as well as recipes of my inspiration.

I wish you a great tasting.

Guillaume Grasso

At us pizza is a family and generations story.

And now, years later, I take possession of an establishment that belonged to my family.

Come enjoy a part of history a round trip Paris Naples.

Neapolitan pizzeria paris


Savor Italian cold cuts

Address :

45 Rue Brancion,

75015 Paris

Phone :

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Monday to Saturday

12h-14h30 et 19h-22h30




Guillaume Grasso - Vera Pizza Napoletana


100 years of family tradition


AVNP Neapolitan Pizza Training in Naples

Training in Naples A 10-day foray into the cradle of pizza in Naples to follow Training with the AVPN Association of Neapolitan Pizza A stay that started with a visit to my family in the district of Vomero where it places the two family pizzerias to greet my uncles....

The Gorizia 1962

The Agrodolce newspaper presents an article about the best Neapolitan pizzas in which the Gorizia 1962 is among one of them. The origin of the pizza Margherita comes from far away. One of the most popular stories, said to have been born in 1889 in honour of Margherita...

The Gorizia 1916

The article by Luciano Pignataro presents the Gorizia 1916 Read more...

The Neapolitan pizza

Origin of Pizza The pizza is a dish of Italian origin made of a spread bread dough and tomato coulis, covered with various ingredients and baked (wood, gas or electric). Pizza is one of the dishes of Italian cuisine that has settled almost everywhere in the world,...


Come eat real Neapolitan pizza

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Réserver votre table

« Afin de préserver la qualité de la pâte, nous ne pouvons produire de grandes quantités, aussi est-il impératif de réserver 2-3 jours à l’avance pour le déjeuner et le dîner.

Nous vous informons que pour toutes les réservations (1er ou 2ème service), passé un quart d’heure de retard et sans nouvelle du client, la table sera donnée à quelqu’un d’autre. »

Information service :
1er service : heure d'arrivée 19h - 19h40
2ème service : heure d'arrivée 20h30 - 22h30

Le restaurant est fermé le dimanche

Pizzeria Guillaume Grasso

Nous informons notre aimable clientèle que la pizzeria sera fermé du 22 décembre au 2 Janvier